Birds differ greatly from mammals in many ways and therefore often require adapted clinical examinations and diagnostics. At Exoticus, we are specialized in avian medicine. Stress-free examination and treatment is also particularly important to us.

Housing and diet
We are happy to discuss housing and diet requirements of your bird. Due to the long lifespan of many avian species, degenerative diseases such as atherosclerosis or fatty liver disease can occur in old age due to suboptimal diets.
- Guidance for switching to a pellet diet
Prevention and health check
We recommend annual health checks for your bird. This facilitates early disease detection, which is particularly important in older animals.
- Weight check
- Beak and nail trim
- Blood test

We offer a wide variety of diagnostic tests, which are tailored to the needs of your bird.
- Digital x-ray
- Ultrasound
- Blood test
- Fecal examinations
- Endoscopy and much more...
We carry out all routine operations but also specialized surgeries.
- Examination and removal of skin tumors
- Orthopedic surgery
- Surgical interventions for egg binding and much more ...

Due to the rapid metabolism and the unique anatomy of the respiratory organs, anesthesia in birds requires much more fine-tuning and monitoring than in mammals. Thanks to special monitoring devices, we are excellently equipped for this. Adequate pain therapy is also essential to avoid stress and to minimize recovery time.