Rodents are the most species-rich group of mammals and comprise around 2500 species. Each species has its own requirements in terms of housing, feeding and medical care.

Housing and diet
We are happy to discuss housing and diet requirements of your rodent. Species-appropriate feeding is particularly important for dental health and to avoid obesity. Every species has its very unique requirements for housing, group structure and enrichment.
Prevention and health check
We recommend annual health checks for your animals. This facilitates early disease detection, which is particularly important in older and uncastrated animals.
- Grooming / trimming nails
- Blood test
- Spay and neutering

We offer a wide variety of diagnostic tests, which are tailored to the needs of your rodent.
- Digital x-ray
- Ultrasound
- Blood test
- Fecal examinations
- Endoscopy and much more...
We carry out all routine operations but also specialized surgeries.
- Castration (neutering) of male rodents
- Castration (spaying) of female rodents (species dependent)
- Orthopedic surgery
- Removal of tumors and much more ...

Due to their small size, rodents require special anesthesia equipment to ensure good anesthesia monitoring. The doses of anesthetics and painkillers are also very different in small rodents than for example in rabbits or guinea pigs. We can also intubate the animals if necessary (depending on the species). This leads to a much lower risk of anesthesia, especially with longer operations.